This is my personal web site. I am an ex-model and now a full time photographer based on the beautiful Sunshine Coast, but frequently travel to Brisbane, and a couple of times a year to Sydney and Melbourne, Australia.

I have created this web site as a temple to human beauty, which I believe should be liberated from the social restrictions that suggest no person has a right to be more beautiful than any other. I hope for a world in which, free from such concepts, we learn to love, co-operate, and live in balance and happiness instead of fear. I welcome all those who agree that beauty, happiness, and peace should be shared.

I do many conventional commercial, fashion and glamour photos but also dare to use nudity and occasional erotic content where it is appropriate to the feeling and image being portrayed. I am not afraid of sexuality, and feel that responsible sexuality exists best where friendship, love, and intimacy replace internalised shame.

Glamourous, sensual, erotic photography as art, totally discreet for private clients: Individuals and couples. Tasteful and artistic or glamour style like in mens magazines.
Explore your inner self, express the sexy, wild and sensuous side of you that usually stays hidden. Play a seductive role for a fun, private, totally confidential experience. Relax and explore. Celebrate the body you've been given for this lifetime.

I love to experiment with light, colour, form, and digital post processing to create unique results. As a photographer, I believe in bringing out the best in each of my models. Regardless of weight, size, or body shape, each person has a unique personality and inner beauty that can be expressed - if only it is brought out from within. Often I find myself being able to connect to person's soul, on some deeper psychic level to bring out the real them in the final photo.

Ultimately, I create images for people to enjoy. We live in a world with many responsibilities and much work. When we finally have time of our own, it can be great to look at a thing of beauty, and after all, is there anything more beautiful than the human form?

So enjoy my web site, and feel free to contact me at

For more of my photography work please visit one of the links below: